Chloe is a 4 year old, 75 lb. spayed female mix in Highland, CA
Chloe is a calm, sweet dog. She's a very high intelligence dog. Chloe has high energy, meant to have a job of herding cattle. She does enjoy going to dog parks but not huge on playing with other dogs.
She loves toys that she can chew but doesn’t typically play with toys. She enjoys going for walks, running and chasing. She knows how to sit, and wait. She does struggle with separation anxiety which in the past has led her to whine, and pace the house. Her health is over all amazing. Up to date with all her vaccines, has all her Parvo vaccines and rabies one. Chloe does come with a chip.
We are unfortunately having to re-home Chloe due to her not getting along with our other dog. She does get pretty protective of her owners. She gets aggressive with other dogs and struggles with dealing with discipline. Chloe is definitely meant for a one dog household with no children to people who are able to give her the time and attention that she deserves. We are looking for owners that will love and care for Chloe, who particularly has a farm that allows her to have a job. If you know anyone please reach out.